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Welcome to my wonderfull wacky blog!

Hello Viewer! you have now entered the media word of the media monkey! :D this is the place where i shall be posting all of my media studies Projects and other bits and bits and bobs ^_^ as you can probably tell, by the theme of the blog, its based around the Horror genre, as thats what my work is based upon. So sit back , relax and take a look around, any feedback is much appreciated :)


Friday, 19 November 2010


Okay so tonight im going to be having a photoshoot and taking photos of the main character for the Main iconic image of the film magazine. I wanted to do this instead of just taking stills from the footage i have because from analysing actual film magazines , i have noticed that the main inconic image is very appealing and positioned in a certiain way to show certain things like status of the character, attitude and genre.i'll be going stacey's (the main character of my trailer) makeup to how it was in the footage and then taking pictures of her in certain styles and positions to fit in with the whole horror genre.

<< This is a still from the footage i got, it's stacey (the main character) in her demon form with the makeup i did for her.


  1. Woah, that is actually quite scary. What is her hand doing? :)

  2. wait till you watch the trailer to find out! ;)
