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Welcome to my wonderfull wacky blog!

Hello Viewer! you have now entered the media word of the media monkey! :D this is the place where i shall be posting all of my media studies Projects and other bits and bits and bobs ^_^ as you can probably tell, by the theme of the blog, its based around the Horror genre, as thats what my work is based upon. So sit back , relax and take a look around, any feedback is much appreciated :)


Thursday, 14 October 2010


right, so i need to include some intertextuality into my trailer, im not exactly sure what to do for that, i dont want to make it look cheesey and i believe that its not very easy using intertextuality into horror films unless there are elements of comedy in it, like scarey movie for example so this has to be thought out carefully. So the plot of my film is about a girl who becomes possesed by natural forces and bad events happen to her untill the devil is finally released. So,Yeah any ideas? i would love to hear what you think ! i will continue to think also but audience feedback is much appreciated! :D



  1. You could make reference to other horror films like scream by showing the scream mask in your film.

  2. I understand why you are having trouble with this. One thing that I thought of was you said that the girl gets possessed by natural forces which screams intertextuality with 'The Excorsist'. Maybe use some conventions from that. Hope this is useful.
